Never had an acupuncture treatment before? Maybe you’ve heard a little about the benefits but don’t quite understand how acupuncture can benefit you?
Acupuncture originated in China centuries ago and is based on the belief that energy, referred to as “Qi” (pronounced “chee”), flows through a series of pathways along the body that are called “meridians”.
Each meridian is associated with a different organ system. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is the balance of the body’s organs that holds the key to health. Imbalances can be caused by external factors, such as environmental pollution, or internal factors, such as negative emotions and poor diet. An imbalance in the flow of Qi through a meridian is how disease and illness begin. The objective of acupuncture is to insert needles into specific points along meridian lines to restore balance to the flow of Qi in the organs.
There are over 1,000 acupuncture points on the body. These points combine as “interwoven networks” to connect the body as an integrated whole. This means that a specific health condition can be treated from different locations on the body. For example, a headache can be treated with acupuncture points on the head, but also from points along the hands, feet, back, etc.
Research has proven that acupuncture is successful in improving mood and energy, relieving pain, encouraging healing after injury, and in maintaining good overall health. It can also be effective in reducing or eliminating the need to take certain medications.
Acupuncture is one of the tools used by our Naturopathic doctors to treat a wide variety of health problems. Our Naturopathic doctors have extensive training in the use of acupuncture and often use acupuncture in combination with other natural treatments as part of an integrated approach to health.
Conditions successfully treated by acupuncture at Synergy Health Centre in Victoria, BC include:
- Gynaecological: Female hormonal conditions such as PMS, menopause, infertility
- Musculoskeletal: Any back pain, arthritis, joint pain, sciatica
- Cardiovascular: Hypertension
- Emotional: Anxiety & depression, stress reduction, insomnia, concentration & memory
- Digestive: Indigestion, gas, bloating, colitis, ulcers, diarrhea, constipation
- General: Headaches & migraines, fatigue and low energy, improvement of overall health & strengthening of the immune system